How to Find and Format Your RSS Feed URL on Squarespace
RSS feeds are XML files containing your newest content, used by news aggregators, feed readers, email subscriptions, and podcast lists. Squarespace websites automatically include RSS feeds for blog, products, events, gallery, and album pages.
Finding Your RSS Feed URL
Your RSS feed URL follows this structure:
- Built-in domain:
- Custom domain:
Finding Your Site Name or Domain:
- Access the Domains panel
- For built-in domains, use the URL under "Built-in Domain"
- For custom domains, use "www." followed by your full domain name
Domain settings in Squarespace interface
Domain settings in Squarespace
Finding Your Page Slug:
- Open the Pages panel
- Hover over the page and click the gear icon
- Look for the URL Slug field
Yellow arrow points to gear
Blog settings interface in Squarespace
Filtering RSS Feeds
- Format: domain/pageslug?category=Categoryname&format=rss
- For multi-word categories, use %20 between words Example: domain/blog?category=New%20Art&format=rss
- Format: domain/pageslug?tag=Tagname&format=rss
- For multi-word tags, use %20 between words Example: domain/blog?tag=Happy%20cats&format=rss
Quick Tip: To find any page's RSS feed URL, simply add ?format=rss to the end of its URL when you're not logged in.