Menu Blocks Guide: How to Create and Format Restaurant Menus in Squarespace
To add Menu blocks to your restaurant's site:
- Add a Menu Block:
- Edit your page/post
- Click 'Add Block' or an insertion point
- Select 'Menu'
- Click pencil icon to open block editor
- Creating Menu Structure:
- Enter menu name followed by three equal signs (===)
- Add optional description below
- Create sections with three dashes (---)
- List menu items under sections
- Menu Item Format:
- Item name
- Description
- Price (with currency symbol)
- Use "/" for price variations (e.g., glass/bottle)
- Add "+" for options/add-ons
- Design Customization:
- Choose menu style (Centered or Multi-column)
- Select currency symbol ($, €, £, ¥)
- Customize fonts and colors through Site Styles panel
Tips for Optimal Formatting:
- Press Enter after each entry
- Avoid using spaces for separation
- Balance columns with tags for odd-numbered items
- Ensure similar content amount across menus to prevent extra padding
- Use keyboard shortcuts for copying/pasting:
- Mac: ⌘ + C (copy), ⌘ + Shift + V (paste)
- Windows: Ctrl + C (copy), Ctrl + Shift + V (paste)
- Verify three equal signs (===) for menus
- Confirm three dashes (---) for sections
- Enter alternative currency symbols with a space after default symbol
This menu system provides better SEO performance than PDF menus while maintaining full customization options for your restaurant's online presence.