How to Connect Your WordPress Domain to Squarespace: DNS Setup Guide
To connect a WordPress domain to your Squarespace site, follow these step-by-step instructions:
Before starting, ensure you meet all requirements for connecting a third-party domain.
Step 1: Start the Connection in Squarespace
- Open the Domains panel
- Click "Use your own domain"
- Enter your full domain name and click the arrow
- Click "Connect Domain"
- Select WordPress from the dropdown menu
- Click "Connect Domain" and then "Continue"
- Keep the new panel with DNS records open for reference
Step 2: Access WordPress DNS Settings
- Log into your WordPress account
- Navigate to My Site > Updates > Domains
- Select your domain
- Click "Change your nameservers and DNS records"
- Click "DNS Records"
Step 3: Add First CNAME Record
- Copy the unique code from Squarespace's DNS Settings
- In WordPress, select CNAME from Type dropdown
- Paste the unique code in the first field
- Enter "verify.squarespace.com" in Points to (Alias) field
- Click "Add New DNS Record"
Step 4: Add Second CNAME Record
- Select CNAME from Type dropdown
- Enter "www" in the first field
- Enter "ext-cust.squarespace.com" in Points to (Alias) field
- Click "Add New DNS Record"
Step 5: Add Four A Records
Add the following IP addresses as separate A records:
For each A record:
- Select A from Type dropdown
- Leave first field blank
- Enter IP address in Points to field
- Click "Add New DNS Record"
Step 6: Wait for Connection
- Allow 24-72 hours for the connection to complete
- Monitor progress in Squarespace DNS Settings
- Green labels indicate successful connections
- Domain will show "Connected" when properly linked
If you see "Unable to verify domain ownership":
- Use the DNS verification tool in Settings panel
- Check CNAME and A Records for accuracy
- Make necessary corrections
- Contact WordPress Support if needed
Note: Errors are common during the first 72 hours of connection. Wait the full period before troubleshooting.
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