How to Connect a Bluehost Domain to Squarespace: Step-by-Step Guide
To connect a Bluehost domain to Squarespace, follow these DNS connection steps:
Step 1: Start Squarespace Connection
- Go to the Domains panel
- Click "Use my domain"
- Enter your domain name and click the arrow
- Click "Connect Domain"
- Select "Bluehost" from dropdown
- Click "Continue" when prompted
- Keep the DNS records panel open for reference
Step 2: Access Bluehost DNS Settings
- Log into your Bluehost account
- Locate your domain under "Domain"
- Find "Advanced Tools"
- Click "Manage" next to "Advanced DNS Records"
- Select "Continue" in the popup
Step 3: Add First CNAME Record
Create this record in Bluehost:
- Type: CNAME
- Host Name: [unique verification code from Squarespace]
- Points to: verify.squarespace.com
- TTL: Leave as default
Step 4: Add Second CNAME Record
Create this record in Bluehost:
- Type: CNAME
- Host: www
- Points to: ext-cust.squarespace.com
- TTL: Leave as default
Step 5: Add Four A Records
Create these records in Bluehost:
- Type: A
- Host: @ (leave blank)
- Points to: Add each IP address separately
- TTL: Leave as default
Important: Don't delete the existing Mail host record as it manages email services.
Step 6: Wait for Propagation
- Allow 24-72 hours for changes to take effect
- Check connection status in Squarespace's DNS Settings
- Look for green labels in the Current Data column
- Domain will show "Connected" when properly linked
If you see "Unable to verify domain ownership":
- Use the DNS checker tool in DNS Settings
- Verify all CNAME and A records are correct
- Contact Bluehost support for platform-specific help
Note: Error messages are normal during the first 72 hours after setup. If issues persist beyond this timeframe, review your DNS settings or contact support.
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