How to Connect Your Turbify Domain to Squarespace: DNS Setup Guide
Connect your Turbify domain to your Squarespace site quickly and easily by following these essential steps:
Step 1: Start the Connection in Squarespace
- Open the Domains panel and click "Use a domain you own"
- Enter your domain name and click the arrow
- Click "Connect domain"
- Select Turbify from the dropdown
- Click "Connect domain" and "Continue"
Step 2: Access Turbify
- Log in to your Turbify account
- Navigate to the Domains section
- Find your domain and click "Domain" under Control Panels
Step 3: Add First CNAME Record
- Host: [unique code from Squarespace]
- Type: CNAME
- Points to: verify.squarespace.com
Step 4: Add Second CNAME Record
- Host: * (asterisk)
- Type: CNAME
- Points to: ext-cust.squarespace.com
Step 5: Add A Record
Create one A record with these settings:
- Host: @
- Type: A
- Points to:
Important Notes:
- Don't delete any existing Mail or Email records
- Connection can take 24-72 hours to complete
- Monitor progress in Squarespace's DNS Settings panel
- Use the DNS checker tool if you see "Domain ownership cannot be verified"
- Your Turbify plan should be domain-only
- Review third-party domain connection requirements before starting
If you need help, contact Turbify's Customer Support or consult their documentation for additional assistance.
- Keep the Squarespace DNS Settings panel open for reference
- Wait full 72 hours before troubleshooting
- Verify all records match exactly as specified
- Check for green labels in DNS Settings to confirm proper connection
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