How to Connect Your Enom Domain to Squarespace: DNS Setup Guide
Begin by connecting your Enom domain to Squarespace through the Domains panel. Log into your Squarespace account, click "Use your domain," and enter your domain name.
When connecting, select "Enom" from the dropdown menu and keep the DNS settings panel open for reference.
Log into your Enom account at www.enom.com. Navigate to the Domains section, click "Registered," then "Host Records."
Add these DNS records in your Enom account:
First CNAME Record:
- Type: CNAME (Alias)
- Host Name: [unique verification code from Squarespace]
- Address: verify.squarespace.com
Second CNAME Record:
- Type: CNAME (Alias)
- Host Name: www
- Address: ext-cust.squarespace.com
A Records: Create four A records with host [@] pointing to:
Important Notes:
- Only delete the @ host if it doesn't match these values
- Don't delete Email records to avoid disrupting email service
- Delete any "Blank" host records
Wait 24-72 hours for the connection to complete. You can check progress by clicking "Refresh records" in Squarespace's DNS settings. A green "Connected" label will appear when successful.
- Use the DNS checker tool in the DNS Settings panel if you see "Unable to verify domain ownership"
- Contact Enom support for account-specific issues
- Temporary errors are normal during the first 72 hours
Remember to keep your existing email records to maintain email functionality while connecting your domain.
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